Pixel Peel

This is a combination treatment using the Dermapen micro-needling method with a Cosmo (TCA) Peel.

This treatment is designed to allow deeper penetration of the TCA into the skin, thereby stimulating the regeneration process at a dermal (deep) level, as well as improving surface texture and pigmentation. This allows new, healthy and vibrant skin growth to be revealed at a faster rate.

  • Social downtime: 7-10 days (peeling will occur)

This is the perfect treatment for fine to deep lines or wrinkles, tired, dull looking skin and sun damaged skin. For ideal results, we recommend a series of 3 treatments done at 3-4 weekly intervals.


Dermapen 2+1 special - Sept & Oct 24
Optiphi Promo Day - Sept 24
Dermaceutic Promo Day - Oct 24

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